30 octubre 2008

Los que jugaron con nosotros

¡Wow! Nueve números y un sinfín de colaboradoras/es. Hora de hacer un balance:

1. Golnar Abbasi, Irán

2. Mariángeles Aguirre, Argentina

3. Miguel Álvarez-Fernández, España

4. Rosana Antolí, España

5. Manuela Barrero, España

6. Óscar Bernal, México

7. Toni Blanes, España

8. Carol Börjesson, España

9. Lena Braun, Alemania

10. Roland Brückner, Alemania

11. Hernán Casciari, Argentina

12. Ste. V. Castilla, España

13. Mercedes Cebrián, España

14. Edgardo Cozarinsky, Argentina

15. Daniel Chapela, Venezuela

16. Sergio Correa, Chile

17. Jaana Davidjaants, Estonia

18. Aurora Domínguez, España

19. María Dupuy, Argentina

20. Leandro Dopacio, Argentina

21. Eneko Elejalde, España

22. Lucio Etchamendi, Uruguay

23. Lucía Etxebarria, España

24. Laura Erber, Brasil

25. Extra, España

26. Gustavo Fernández Walker, Argentina

27. Juliana González, Colombia

28. Rubén Gómez del Barrio, España

29. Dinero Gratis, España

30. Carla Imbrogno, Argentina

31. Andreu Jerez, España

32. Christina Kaess, Italia

33. Andreas Kahlenbach, Alemania

34. Hanna Knapp, Alemania

35. Anne-Bianca Krause, Alemania

36. Ladrón, España

37. Bárbara Lanzarote, España

38. Aiala Lekuona, España

39. Teresa Lorenzo, España

40. Laura Lucchini, Italia

41. Andrés Lugo, Argentina

42. Manuen Marín, España

43. Ariel Magnus, Argentina

44. Coline Matthée, Alemania

45. Eduardo Méndez, Uruguay

46. Luis Miguélez, España

47. Juan Mobili, Argentina

48. Juan Morellos, Argentina

49. David Olmos, España

50. Pina, España

51. Susana Panea, España

52. Hayden Peake, Australia

53. Peter Pippig, Alemania

54. Marcela Polgar, Argentina

55. Oriol Puig Taulé, España

56. Elías Reguira, España

57. Silvia Rodríguez, España

58. Ángel Ruiz de Azúa, España

59. Antonio Salinas, México

60. Hugo Salas, Argentina

61. Candelaria Sánchez, España

62. Ilargi Sastre, España

63. Anneke Schaefer, Alemania

64. Pablo Schanton, Argentina

65. Saskia Schnell, Alemania

66. Anja Schulz, Alemania

67. Mariano Scopel, Argentina

68. Patricia Sevilla, España

69. Miguel Turón, España

70. Ann van Poperingen, EE.UU.

71. Diego Vasko, Argentina

72. Vera von Kreutzbruck, Argentina

73. Laura Wieland, Alemania


02 octubre 2008


En el marco de la POPKOMM B2 MAGAZINE BERLIN presenta su nuevo número, BLACK BOX BERLIN... 80 páginas hedonistas, la mejor guía para perderte en la ciudad... te esperamos para el mag release el jueves 9 de octubre a partir de las 21 hs.

B2 MAGAZINE & CD RELEASE. Donnerstag, 9. Oktober ab 21 Uhr im Al hamra, P'Berg

B2 MAGAZINE BERLIN presents it's 9th issue BLACK BOX BERLIN. Join us thursday, oct 9th at
http://www.alhamra.de/events/ DOORS OPEN: 9 pm


Magazine & CD Release Night. Mitten im Popkommwahn präsentiert B2 das aktuelle Magazin sowie die Sommer CD, THE BEAUTIFUL ONES, B2 MAGAZINE Introducing Vol. III. Ein Special rund um das hedonistische Berlin aus einer internationalen Perspektive. Ein Auszug: I invented a trick to descipher the age of countries based on the dog system. As children we were told that to know if a dog is young or old you have to multiply its biological age by seven. For countries, you must divide their historical age by fourteen to determine their corresponding human age. Confused? Here are some revealing examples. Argentina was born in 1816, therefore it is now 190 years old. If we divide by fourteen, Argentina's human age is about thirteen and a half. In other words, it's passing through the giggling years. It's rebellous, horny, has no memory, responds without thinking and is full of pimples. Is that why they call it the granary of the world? Mexico is also a teenager, but it descends from indian natives. That's why it only laughs a bit and won't smoke a blade of grass, like the rest of its young friends. However, it does chew peyote and hangs out with the United States, a seventeen-year-old retard who gets its kicks attacking hungry six-year-old kids in other continents.
by Hernán Casciari orsai.es


Cubop is a female artist who lives in Berlin since almost six years. Her first Sound Art Work was a tape recorded down there made for a blind person because of Diabetes dissease: Cubops Grandmother. A cuple of Months later Cubop got involved making Radio during almost four years. On that period she started working as a DJane as well. Through Music and Radio she developed herself as a Sound Artist. Since 2006 Cubop works as Editor, Direct Sound Recordist & Sounddesigner for Films. Cubops Sound Art focus on Surrealism, Subconscious, Dream Territories and Psicological Landscapes. She loves Noise, Poetry, De-construction and Chaos. “Im always glad working with different kind of creative Humans. Any kind of collaboration is welcome. If you have a project – Film, Performance, Art Exposition, Noise Band, etc. – and want to work together just send a concrete Idea and we could work on it. Crossborder Art is amazing!!” myspace.com/cubop666

DNA by Patrico Proverbio
DNA LIVE is an Audio Visual performance, where sound and image are generated from DNA, mRNA and Protein sequences. By translating the DNA, mRNA and Protein sequences of different Genes into MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), I create MIDI files that are used to generate the sound and control the image variables in a real time environment. The Genes that I use for the live performance are Genes involved in the production, transport and reception of human neurotransmitters. DNA and mRNA are composed of four acids each, and their sequences are translated into four MIDI notes each, one note for each acid. Proteins are composed of twenty amino acids, and the sequences are translated into twenty MIDI notes, one note for each amino acid. DNA and mRNA sequences are used to create the rhythm, drums and bass scales. It also controls the image variables.Protein sequences are used to create the melodies. In addition, when performed live a MIDI controller is used to control both, sound and image. pank.tv