30 octubre 2008
Los que jugaron con nosotros
1. Golnar Abbasi, Irán
2. Mariángeles Aguirre, Argentina
3. Miguel Álvarez-Fernández, España
4. Rosana Antolí, España
5. Manuela Barrero, España
6. Óscar Bernal, México
7. Toni Blanes, España
8. Carol Börjesson, España
9. Lena Braun, Alemania
10. Roland Brückner, Alemania
11. Hernán Casciari, Argentina
12. Ste. V. Castilla, España
13. Mercedes Cebrián, España
14. Edgardo Cozarinsky, Argentina
15. Daniel Chapela, Venezuela
16. Sergio Correa, Chile
17. Jaana Davidjaants, Estonia
18. Aurora Domínguez, España
19. María Dupuy, Argentina
20. Leandro Dopacio, Argentina
21. Eneko Elejalde, España
22. Lucio Etchamendi, Uruguay
23. Lucía Etxebarria, España
24. Laura Erber, Brasil
25. Extra, España
26. Gustavo Fernández Walker, Argentina
27. Juliana González, Colombia
28. Rubén Gómez del Barrio, España
29. Dinero Gratis, España
30. Carla Imbrogno, Argentina
31. Andreu Jerez, España
32. Christina Kaess, Italia
33. Andreas Kahlenbach, Alemania
34. Hanna Knapp, Alemania
35. Anne-Bianca Krause, Alemania
36. Ladrón, España
37. Bárbara Lanzarote, España
38. Aiala Lekuona, España
39. Teresa Lorenzo, España
40. Laura Lucchini, Italia
41. Andrés Lugo, Argentina
42. Manuen Marín, España
43. Ariel Magnus, Argentina
44. Coline Matthée, Alemania
45. Eduardo Méndez, Uruguay
46. Luis Miguélez, España
47. Juan Mobili, Argentina
48. Juan Morellos, Argentina
49. David Olmos, España
50. Pina, España
51. Susana Panea, España
52. Hayden Peake, Australia
53. Peter Pippig, Alemania
54. Marcela Polgar, Argentina
55. Oriol Puig Taulé, España
56. Elías Reguira, España
57. Silvia Rodríguez, España
58. Ángel Ruiz de Azúa, España
59. Antonio Salinas, México
60. Hugo Salas, Argentina
61. Candelaria Sánchez, España
62. Ilargi Sastre, España
63. Anneke Schaefer, Alemania
64. Pablo Schanton, Argentina
65. Saskia Schnell, Alemania
66. Anja Schulz, Alemania
67. Mariano Scopel, Argentina
68. Patricia Sevilla, España
69. Miguel Turón, España
70. Ann van Poperingen, EE.UU.
71. Diego Vasko, Argentina
72. Vera von Kreutzbruck, Argentina
73. Laura Wieland, Alemania
02 octubre 2008
B2 MAGAZINE & CD RELEASE. Donnerstag, 9. Oktober ab 21 Uhr im Al hamra, P'Berg
B2 MAGAZINE BERLIN presents it's 9th issue BLACK BOX BERLIN. Join us thursday, oct 9th at
http://www.alhamra.de/events/ DOORS OPEN: 9 pm
by Hernán Casciari orsai.es
Cubop is a female artist who lives in Berlin since almost six years. Her first Sound Art Work was a tape recorded down there made for a blind person because of Diabetes dissease: Cubops Grandmother. A cuple of Months later Cubop got involved making Radio during almost four years. On that period she started working as a DJane as well. Through Music and Radio she developed herself as a Sound Artist. Since 2006 Cubop works as Editor, Direct Sound Recordist & Sounddesigner for Films. Cubops Sound Art focus on Surrealism, Subconscious, Dream Territories and Psicological Landscapes. She loves Noise, Poetry, De-construction and Chaos. “Im always glad working with different kind of creative Humans. Any kind of collaboration is welcome. If you have a project – Film, Performance, Art Exposition, Noise Band, etc. – and want to work together just send a concrete Idea and we could work on it. Crossborder Art is amazing!!” myspace.com/cubop666